24 September 2013

Eating Caterpillars.

She ate a caterpillar.


Steve: "Hey, Caroline. Do you want a caterpillar?"
Caroline: "Sure."

That girl ate the head off of a fried caterpillar - with no hesitation.  People say Caroline and I (dianna) are alot alike...not in this respect.

The rest of the story (in my best Paul Harvey voice):

She ate the head off of it but didn't care for it - she said it tasted too smoky and burnt and she gave the rest of it back to me.  For some reason I couldn't just "throw it away" -- so I put the rest of the fried caterpillar into the zip lock bag of nuts and raisins...

Later that day...I was sitting on our couch reading and decided I wanted a snack.  I grabbed the bag of nuts and raisins (you know what's coming, don't you?).  I'm usually pretty particular in my eating of snacks (especially in the case of something similar to trailmix) - I put together nice combinations of 2 nuts and a few raisins...or just raisins....or one of each kind of nut...for whatever reason, on this particular occasion, I was just eating it without looking...

All of a sudden there's a smoky taste in my mouth....and the realization washes over me....I'm eating a fried caterpillar.

GROSS!!!   I got to the trashcan and spit it out as quickly as I could (though I think some had already gone down at that point)...then brushed my teeth...then gargled with mouth wash...then ate half a bag of skittles.

I know it was mental...but I just couldn't handle it.

Guess I can't use "eaten a caterpillar" in my next game of "Never have I ever...."

Surely there will be more to come.

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