25 May 2015

End of the School Year Celebration!

School's out for the summer (or winter depending on which hemisphere one finds oneself in).

This past Friday we were able to attend one of our favorite Academy Events of the year - the end of the school year celebration!  

Just as in years past (here are 2 links for your convenience and reading pleasure 2013, 2014 ), all the students, teachers, parents and any other crew who wanted to attend gathered in the International Lounge to celebrate the conclusion of another successful school year.

Each student was honored with a prayerfully chosen “character trait” and scripture to go along with that character trait.  There was also a slideshow of photos (those bring me to tears every time!), some special class performances and beautiful words from our principal.  It was such a delightful way to put a bow on the gift that this school year has been. 

This year Emma's teacher, Miss Jenelle, chose the character trait of "sincerity" for Emma.  Miss Jenelle wrote "Emma demonstrates earnest honesty with pure and loving intention in her interactions with both her classmates and adults."  The verse chosen for Emma was Job 33:3 "My words come from an upright heart; my lips sincerely speak what I know."

Emma is now officially a kindergarten student!

 Miss Kayla, Caroline's teacher, chose the character trait of "Passionate" for Caroline.  Kayla wrote "Caroline can be quite competitive and I think that's because she is so passionate.  When she sets out to get something done, she does it whole-heartedly and with such creativity and drive.  She fully invests into the project, game, assignment, or relationship and cares deeply about doing those things well.  I love watching Caroline set her passions towards loving God and loving others.  Caroline's passion reminds me of the relentless work, love and dedication Jesus put out for us when he left His throne to become our Savior.  Caroline, may the passion you have be directing solely towards the Kingdom of God."

Colossians 3:23 is the verse that was chosen for Caroline "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

Caroline is very excited to be a fourth grader!

And for Eli, Miss Remy chose the character trait of "Dependable."  She wrote "Eli is someone you can count on.  He has the heart of a servant.  He keeps his promises, he says what he does and he does what he says.  He has a deep sense of what is right and true and tries his very best to live his life according to this truth.  He is faithful to his classmates and friends and is alway willing to lend a hand."

Colossians 1:10 is the verse that she chose for him: "So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."

It's hard to believe that Eli is entering his last year as an elementary student - Grade 5!
It is astounding and incredible - and absolutely beautiful - to watch and listen as every single child is called forward and affirmed.
And...as with all good parties...we were given a parting gift on the way out - the school year book!

We are still confident that we are exactly where we are supposed to be serving here on the Africa Mercy...and the Academy is a tremendous part of what makes our being here possible.  We are beyond grateful for the teachers and administrators that pour their lives into our children.

If we were to assign "character traits" to the Academy staff as a whole, words like "competent, faithful, courageous, steadfast, admirable, lovely, kind, servant-hearted, loving, generous, excellent, devoted, and Jesus-like" would fill the list.

Surely there will be more to come.

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